Potatoes Storage, Price Spread through Various Channels and Marketing Efficiency in Parwan Province, Afghanistan


  • Faridullah Lalzai Department of Applied Agriculture, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, Pin- 151401, INDIA. https://orcid.org/0009-0001-2911-8163
  • Akhtar Jamal Jamali Department of Animal Science, Shaikh Zayed University, Khost, Pin- 2501, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Abdul Mutaleb Naziri Department of Applied Agriculture, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, Pin- 151401, INDIA.
  • Gulwali Mohammadzai Department of Banking and Finance, Shaikh Zayed University, Khost, Pin- 2501, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Rashidullah Mashkoor Department of Finance, University of Peshawar, Pin- 25120, PAKISTAN.
  • Mohammad Shakir Ebrahimi Department of Business Administration, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, Pin- 144411, INDIA.




Selling, Storage, price spread, marketing channels, Potatoes


This research paper examined the factors influenced farmers' immediate selling of potatoes after harvest and their storage practices, various factors and limitations affected their selling and storage capacity has been identified and the ground conditions as realistic discussed as well as the price spread and marketing efficiency in the three districts Siyagard, Ghorband, and Shinwari of Parwan province, Afghanistan. The study conducted revealed that farmers primarily sold potatoes to pay for household expenses 57.50 percent and finance agricultural inputs 55.00 percent. Moreover, sold for loan repayment 45.00 percent and limited storage space 52.50 percent play significant roles in immediate selling decisions. The study also showed that farmers stored potatoes for various reasons, such as personal consumption 23.3 percent, anticipating higher prices 24.20 percent, meeting off-season demand 23.3 percent, and exploiting competitive prices 23.3 percent. The study provide insights into the price spread in different market channels, indicating varying profit margins for farmers and intermediaries. Finally, the study highlighted the marketing efficiency under different channels, with Channel III showed the highest efficiency 47 percent in direct distribution, followed by Channel II 32 percent and Channel I 29 percent. These findings highlight the complexities of potato marketing in the Parwan province, Afghanistan which can help policymakers to develop a sustainable approach to inform strategies to improve farmers' income and market efficiency.


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Author Biography

Faridullah Lalzai, Department of Applied Agriculture, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, Pin- 151401, INDIA.

Faridullah Lalzai is a distinguished academician and researcher, whose passion for knowledge and commitment to excellence has led him on a remarkable journey in the fields of business administration and research. Born (April/11/1997) and raised in Khost, Afghanistan, Faridullah's unwavering determination and thirst for knowledge have driven him to achieve remarkable milestones in his educational and research pursuits.

Early Life and Education:
Faridullah Lalzai was born in Khost, Afghanistan, where he developed an early fascination for business and management. He pursued his Bachelor's in Business Administration (BBA) from Shaikh Zayed University in Khost, graduating in 2020. During his undergraduate studies, he exhibited exceptional academic prowess and an innate ability to grasp complex concepts.

Academic Achievements:
Following the completion of his BBA, Faridullah's quest for higher education took him to Central of Punjab, India, where he pursued a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) between 2021 and 2023. His tenure at Central of Punjab was marked by outstanding academic achievements, where he demonstrated a keen understanding of business strategies and management principles. Throughout his MBA, Faridullah engaged actively in various research projects and seminars, solidifying his passion for research and academic exploration.

Research Contributions:
Faridullah Lalzai's thirst for knowledge extended beyond the classroom, as evidenced by his significant contributions to the research community. In 2023, he achieved a notable milestone by publishing a research paper with JETIR (Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research). His paper was well-received and added valuable insights to the field of business administration. Additionally, two of his other research papers were awaiting publication as they underwent a rigorous review process, a testament to the quality of his research work.

Continuous Learning:
Throughout his academic journey, Faridullah actively engaged in various English Language programs, including DIT (Diploma in Information Technology), DEL (Diploma in English Language), IRC ADV2 (Advanced Level International Relations Course), and TMP (Technology Management Program). These programs enriched his skills and enhanced his ability to communicate and collaborate effectively in diverse settings.

Workshops and Research Events:
Faridullah Lalzai's commitment to lifelong learning was further demonstrated through his participation in numerous workshops and research events. He actively sought opportunities to expand his horizons, collaborate with fellow researchers, and share his knowledge with others. By attending these events, he was able to stay at the forefront of cutting-edge developments in business administration and related fields.
Faridullah Lalzai's biography stands as a testament to his unwavering dedication to academic excellence and research pursuits. Hailing from Afghanistan, he has crossed borders and expanded his knowledge horizons through his educational journey, culminating in an MBA from Central of Punjab, India. His passion for research and commitment to continuous learning have not only enriched his own life but also contributed significantly to the academic and research communities. As he continues on his journey, it is evident that Faridullah Lalzai's impact will extend far beyond the realms of business administration, leaving a lasting legacy of knowledge and innovation in his wake.


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How to Cite

Lalzai, F., Jamali, A. J., Naziri, A. M., Mohammadzai, G., Mashkoor, R., & Ebrahimi, M. S. (2023). Potatoes Storage, Price Spread through Various Channels and Marketing Efficiency in Parwan Province, Afghanistan. Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 2(4), 19–24. https://doi.org/10.55544/jrasb.2.4.3